AndPlus acquired by expert technology adviser and managed service provider, Ensono. Read the full announcement

How QA Works

By Chris DeProfio on Nov 20, 2019 9:15:00 AM

How do software development teams make sure the products they release are of high quality?

Not so long ago, a cynical answer to this question would have been something like, “Since when did software development teams care about quality?” It’s unfair, but it’s rooted in perceived quality issues from all types of development teams, from “lone wolf” contract developers to giant software conglomerates.

Topics: Testing QA
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Automated vs. Manual QA

By Abdul Dremali on Nov 13, 2019 9:05:00 AM

Software is complex stuff. Even relatively straightforward applications that do only a few things can have a dizzying number of possible “journeys” for users to take. Ideally, every one of those journeys is tested under all possible circumstances to ensure the software works as expected and doesn’t crash, pop-up useless error messages, or provide wrong answers.

Topics: Testing QA
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Apache JMeter vs Gatling for Load Testing

By Abdul Dremali on Jun 27, 2018 9:05:00 AM

An old metaphor, intended to explain the concept of “infinity,” states that an infinite number of monkeys, banging away at an infinite number of keyboards, would write code just as well as we humans can, with better commenting.

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The Art of Testing Software

By Abdul Dremali on Nov 22, 2017 9:05:00 AM

Some things are more art than science. And while software development is definitely a science, testing it has more than a few artistic aspects to the process. Dan Valderrama, QA Engineer at AndPlus, talks about the typical two-week sprint and how the company ensures a quality, shippable product at the end of it.

Topics: Testing
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How to Perform Research for Your User Experience

By Brian Geary on Jul 26, 2016 10:30:00 AM

There is one surefire way to tell if you are dealing with an amateur app developer or a seasoned pro. The amateur will almost always insist that they can do all of their research, testing, and release of an app with a stellar user experience(UX) out of the gate, the first time.

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7 Steps of Test-Driven Development

By Brian Geary on Oct 23, 2015 10:15:25 AM

Test Driven Development is the idea that by writing the tests for software before the implementation of any executable code, we can ensure maximal test coverage and code quality. The following blog outlines the process of test driven development as a how-to/guide, as well as benefits to a test driven development process.

Topics: Testing
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