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From Concept to Design: Alternative Ways to Prototype

By Matt Hull on Dec 16, 2020 2:30:00 PM

One of the great innovations of the modern age—something even more useful than the beer-can hat—is mapping applications such as MapQuest and Google Maps. Not only can they show you the fastest way to get from A to B (accounting for traffic, construction, one-way streets, and other obstacles), but they can give you alternatives, such as those favoring or avoiding freeways or scenic routes. Some applications will even give you the best routes for traveling on foot, by bicycle, or public transportation.

Topics: Prototyping
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Prototyping: Low Fidelity vs High Fidelity

By Matt Hull on Nov 11, 2020 2:30:00 PM

Back in the 1960s, the term “hi-fi” (short for “high-fidelity”) was a popular buzzword. It started innocently enough as a term to describe the greater sound quality available from high-end stereophonic home audio equipment. But the term caught on in the marketing world and suddenly everything with a perceived elevated quality was known as “hi-fi.”

Topics: Prototyping
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4 Types of Prototyping

By Matt Hull on Jul 15, 2020 2:30:00 PM

We take software prototyping seriously. Prototyping—in particular, rapid prototyping—is the best way to make sure we, as AndPlus developers, understand what our customers expect the software to do and how it will perform in supporting their business processes.

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Best Practices for Rapid Prototyping

By Matt Hull on Jun 29, 2020 10:48:47 AM

We’ve discussed extensively the concept, advantages, and tools of rapid prototyping. It’s central to our development process here at AndPlus.

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Why is Rapid Prototyping Important?

By Matt Hull on Jun 25, 2020 1:24:43 PM

Whenever any new product is designed, the designers should spend a good deal of time and effort on the product’s user interface. “Should” is the operative term here; sometimes it doesn’t happen adequately if at all.

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Rapid Prototyping in 2020

By Matt Hull on Jan 24, 2019 9:05:00 AM

Remember the “telephone” game? If not, it went something like this:

Kid 1 whispers a few words in Kid 2’s ear. Kid 2 then relays the message (again, by whispering) to Kid 3, and so on until the last kid receives the message and says it out loud. Usually, that message is not even close to the original, to the short-term amusement of everyone involved.

Topics: Prototyping
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