AndPlus acquired by expert technology adviser and managed service provider, Ensono. Read the full announcement

The Evolution of Firmware Development

By Abdul Dremali on Aug 16, 2019 8:30:00 AM

We’ve discussed recently the importance of firmware engineering, especially in light of the coming deluge of Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Today we go into a bit more detail about firmware development: How we got where we are in the evolution of firmware development, some of the main differences between firmware development and PC or mobile software development, and how those differences drive the execution of a firmware project.

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Improving the Design Phase of Digital Transformation

By Matt Hull on Jul 31, 2019 9:05:00 AM

Digital transformation: What is it? What can it mean to your organization? What does it take to be successful in a digital transformation initiative?

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Accelerating Digital Transformation with Design Thinking

By Matt Hull on Jul 17, 2019 9:05:00 AM

In the 1994 action film Speed, with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, a homicidal madman plants a bomb on a Los Angeles city bus and rigs it to explode if the vehicle’s speed falls below 50 miles per hour. (Spoiler alert: The good guys win and boy gets girl.)

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What Is Design Thinking?

By Matt Hull on Jul 3, 2019 9:05:00 AM

Take a look at a computer keyboard. Have you ever wondered why the letters are arranged the way they are (QWERT…) and not in a way that would make more sense or be easier to remember, such as maybe alphabetical order?

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Equal parts Design & Engineering: A Recipe for Success

By Brian Geary on Sep 6, 2017 9:05:00 AM

Great engineering doesn't mean compromising on excellent design. In many technological developments, however, the functions of design and engineering are far removed from each other. The design component fulfills the esthetic requirements, but the most critical requirement for a successful app is its functionality and how well it contributes to delivering what the user needs. Let’s look at what the two concepts are and how they can be meshed for the ideal customer experience.

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