Clinical decision-making has changed drastically in recent years. An influx of information, available to patients via the web, mobile apps, and distributed information, has made it crucial for HCPs to adopt modern ways to service their customers that are seeking better quality care from their physicians.
A new patient care standard
HCPs face consumers with a higher knowledge base and greater expectations of quality care. Physicians that cannot keep pace with the modern consumer could suffer a loss of patients.
Physician practices also have many important tasks, including time management, maintenance of medical records, communication and consulting, information gathering, patient management and monitoring, education and training, and clinical decision-making.
Mobile apps provide the biggest opportunity for HCPs to continue to provide the quality care modern patients are seeking. They can provide physicians with a variety of useful tools such as clinical prediction tools (including likelihood ratios and potential risks), medical calculators, patient management solutions, decision support (including which tests to consider, key treatments and relevant guidelines), and other information that HCPs may need.
A well-produced app can help physicians in five key areas:
- Improved communication and clinical decision support systems
- Better search databases for information and clinical treatment guidelines
- Expert help for diagnosis and treatment of diseases
- Greater efficiency in lab test ordering
- Lab test interpretation assistance
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Improved communication
Better documentation allows HCPs to provide their patients with more complete recording with less errors, making the entire communication process more efficient. When HCPs have easier access to clinical decision support and patient management systems, they are able to improve their decision making, which ultimately improves the quality of patient care.
Better information
Mobile apps allow HCPs easier, quicker, and more accurate access to information that can be curated from a variety of sources. They are able to get this information earlier, which can be the difference between good and great quality patient care.
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases
When HCPs are dealing with difficult diagnosis or treatments, they can access their mobile app to quickly connect with experts to provide evidence-based decision support.
Greater lab test ordering efficiency
A great app can enhance work patterns and increase efficiency in physician practices by saving HCPs time and giving them easier access to better information when ordering lab tests.
Lab test interpretation
Similar to diagnosing and treating disease, interpreting lab reports may require additional assistance. Using a mobile app can give physicians the support they need to provide a greater level of assurance when making decisions based on lab reports.
Time to develop
Physician practices are increasingly busy and they will continue to require better solutions for a variety of needs, including patient and time management, information gathering and communication tools, and and clinical decision-making.
HCPs are most likely to use mobile apps to search for information, which 63% use their tablets and 56% use their smartphones, according to the 2012 Manhattan Research/Physician Channel Adoption Study.
The modern patient
As consumers continue to have greater access to better information, physicians can use mobile apps to help streamline their practice to offer their patients the service and support they seek. Partnering with an expert mobile app developer can help solve these issues and give HCPs the opportunity to increase their efficiency, save time and money, and provide better quality care.
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